
re: Shepard Fairey b4 Obama

4:16 "i like the idea that you can succeed on your own terms... "

& remember kids OBEY!



the NC State Fair starts this week, engulfing Dorton Arena


how many rings?

this post is in honor of Jack's father who passed away around 6pm today ...

an interesting side note: these photos were taken today at 6:11pm and 5:07pm


McCain't -

the other night i saw a photo of the republicant candidate for president; after a good laugh i realized that his face reminded me of someone else, from the movies, completely out of touch ... DR.EVIL!!! 
so,  after a little bit of photoshop - and without further ado, 
i'm considering a Palin piece too. all i've come up with so far is to add the word: COMPARISON after every utterance of her name ...    say it, out loud, you might laugh.


George Nau

George Nau passed away yesterday, he is Crystal's grandfather.
 6 July, 1920 - 4 Sept, 2008          

note: this is a photo of a photo, not sure who took the original nor when it was taken.


Harvey ...

for the past few weeks, i've had the pleasure of dog sitting Harvey. weighing in around 70lbs he's an exuberant & enthusiastic 7 month old.  today, we had to give him a bath - he'd rolled in a smell only a dog could love .... 

now, he smells like lavender.


the outhouse

it was said that bear have been known to get into the outhouse - so the instructions concluded with the directive to close the door... really, i planned to use the modern plumbing in the cabin for the duration.  in fact, i'll close that door too.

i wonder, would a bear close the door too?

Where on Earth is Dad's Elwell Store?

this shot was taken about 20 minutes after the one posted yesterday. it's remarkable how much the sky's intensity changed. 
i've been trying to figure where we were when ... looking through the other shots of Dad's a couple of road signs appeared - i couldn't read the whole sign, but it did have 111 on one and another MN-64 - so, with a little google earth work, here's another view:


lou's is closed, MN-64

i've tried to figure out where exactly this is ...
it's somewhere on MN-64 near Leader or Ellis.


Big Sand Lake, MN

this cabin, at Big Sand Lake, MN was built in the 1800's, a truly beautiful place.
we spent a couple of days relaxing here ...
we missed out on having George there to yell about the screen door slamming 
- unfortunately, he was busy at the nursing home.  


flying midwest

the view, as it always is at 35,000', sunny and blue

on a little jet plane, seat 13B, en route to minnesota.  it was like flying with a ripe porta-potty



kerr lake (it's pronounced "car")
i'd like to thank the overcast sky for the perfect light.



by chip, of me, in austin.
the one in texas
my mother saw this shot, and was appalled.
she probably should be, but - i went out in public looking like this, so there you have it.
to answer some questions people have asked about this shot:
it was taken at maria's taco xpress during sxsw, i was in austin to shoot, and listen, and play, not that kind of play, like with a guitar, but play as in have fun, no music was made by me.
maria's is linked in a previous post ... 
chip took this shot right after i took a shot of him - he's horrible to look at so i won't post a photo of him, but you really should give a listen to his music sometime.
 i did some funky post production stuff (mom, that means photoshop) to make me look stranger than the actual shot.
thanks for looking, and reading, and asking questions.... all that on a shot i didn't take!  



echinacea honey bee

notice the sky reflecting on the honey bee's abdomen.


this is joel ...

recently did a series of portraits for a company's website - 
i plan on working on this shot - trying some hdr-t/m stuff
stay tuned 



from the dining room nobody hears the call from the kitchen, 
except the runners.


not furnished

not sure if you can actually see it in this smaller format, but out the window on the left is the lucky strike  water tower - 


historic urban loft, furnished

interior design: heather garrett
we went to get lunch at federal ... a local favorite, yet closed on mondays; D'oh! .... so we were lucky enough to meet up with a couple of friends who led us to spartacus  - wow!  a lunch buffet with more garlic than you could shake at a vampire ... even without fries, it is truly delicious!


interior for valance design

for me, the most interesting part of the shot is the focus at the center of the duvet cover ... the grey point that leads our eyes to the pillows and up the wall.  makes me want to get a coffee and read ...  


nc arboretum

after a hike, we ended up here:
click to see larger.


design by ryan wayne

model: erica golden
hair: jenny jones
make up: aaron cozort
location: humble pie restaurant



interior of whisk(e)y box, pictured below


bourbon box by ray duffey

hand crafted by ray duffey. 
its contents are shown above: whisk(e)y


cool as you?

walked in the kitchen and had to laugh at the sad faced cooler lid

two cents worth / winston cup


the producer

greg elkins - desolation row


desolation row

stephen gardner, tracking - 



mark this on your calendar
may 3-4 2008 in raleigh, nc
click the poster to see it full size.

sunglasses at night

gary louris, formerly of the jayhawks, above and center
louris is touring and playing with members of the standout band vetiver
they played the cat's cradle, chapel hill, nc. on 04.04.08


this is truman

photographed at rhoman acre's 


atop an imac lives an alien baller

patty hurst shifter

taken at maria's taco xpress sxsw'08


october yellow

shot in our garden, this was the flavor of fall 


a gift

1/60s f1.8, iso 100

thank you for the boots alejandro