
that dude is TINY!

... yes, that is the same insect ...
1/60s @ f5, ISO100
now, we're off to the wedding.



praying mantis on japanese maple, or, more specifically: Stagmomantis Carolina on Acer Palmatum Aconitifolium. 1/200s @f5.6, ISO 100


collard greens

this was shot at the farmers market, maybe i'll shoot the ham hock next.


it's cold, the Wise farmer is wearing his coveralls.
Collards get their good flavor after the first freeze, it changes the sugars - enjoy; i'm going to cook now.

Wise Farms booth, Farmer's Market, Raleigh, NC. 10D - 1/60s @ f5, ISO 100


little felt hammers

the inside of a studio upright that really needs to be tuned.



shot digitally, RGB to B&W using CS2, 0.3S @ f3.5, ISO 800

oh yeah, happy halloween ...


awake again, coffee in hand.

the view of the red bonsai maple from the kitchen sink ...

still awake ...

a 4 or 5 year old 18" japanese maple bonsai. each leaf is slightly larger than a quarter


a break in the rain

this is to all those creatives out there who inspire each other.

home alone tonight and it's been raining here for hours & promises not to stop anytime soon. i'm reading and looking, being inspired by incredible photography sites and passionate photo blogs from all over when i hear nothing! an enveloping silence from the rain not hitting the roof...
is this a sign? blah ... check doppler, maybe 1 inch of not green on the radar, but the rain is moving fast .... maybe 10 minutes of clear sky. so, here's the first of what i hope to be a long and perhaps inspiring photogblog.