
Harvey ...

for the past few weeks, i've had the pleasure of dog sitting Harvey. weighing in around 70lbs he's an exuberant & enthusiastic 7 month old.  today, we had to give him a bath - he'd rolled in a smell only a dog could love .... 

now, he smells like lavender.


the outhouse

it was said that bear have been known to get into the outhouse - so the instructions concluded with the directive to close the door... really, i planned to use the modern plumbing in the cabin for the duration.  in fact, i'll close that door too.

i wonder, would a bear close the door too?

Where on Earth is Dad's Elwell Store?

this shot was taken about 20 minutes after the one posted yesterday. it's remarkable how much the sky's intensity changed. 
i've been trying to figure where we were when ... looking through the other shots of Dad's a couple of road signs appeared - i couldn't read the whole sign, but it did have 111 on one and another MN-64 - so, with a little google earth work, here's another view:


lou's is closed, MN-64

i've tried to figure out where exactly this is ...
it's somewhere on MN-64 near Leader or Ellis.


Big Sand Lake, MN

this cabin, at Big Sand Lake, MN was built in the 1800's, a truly beautiful place.
we spent a couple of days relaxing here ...
we missed out on having George there to yell about the screen door slamming 
- unfortunately, he was busy at the nursing home.  


flying midwest

the view, as it always is at 35,000', sunny and blue

on a little jet plane, seat 13B, en route to minnesota.  it was like flying with a ripe porta-potty